In the next few steps we are going to set up our proxmox instance for wake on lan(wol).

Install ethtool

Install ethtool go to your node shell

apt install ethtool

Retrieve interface name

ip addr
Check if wake-on-lan is already active

You need to find how your interface is named. You cal look for it under System > Network In our case our interface is named enp6s0 Look at the current configuration:

ethtool interfacename

If you find wake on: d row that means that it is disabled.

Enable wake-on-lan

ethtool -s interfacename wol g

Set option in the interfaces configuration file

nano /etc/network/interfaces

add the following line to the configuration file

post-up /usr/sbin/ethtool -s interfacename wol g

under the iface line of your interface. The final result should look like this:

auto interfacename
    iface interfacename inet manual
    post-up /usr/sbin/ethtool -s enp6s0 wol g

save and exit

Set Proxmox keep the configuration

To keep the configuration we need to reload the proxmox settings in the gui. To do this go to your node > System > Network select your WoL interface and click “Edit”. Add the Autostart flag and save.

Test the configs:

Now turn off your proxmox node, the from your favorite WoL sender send the magic package to your node. If the node start-up your configuration is set.